Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Competitive Strategy War of SUNTZU

Question: Write about theCompetitive Strategyfor War of SUNTZU. Answer: Strategy Different organizations have different perceptions regarding the concept of strategy in order to bring out the success for their respective organization. War of SUNTZU evaluates the concepts of strategy. As per this war, the winning of the war is considered to be a good strategy but the losing has been considered to be a bad strategy. The primary motive of each of the firm is to increase the effectiveness of their concerned business processes. Many of the firm uses strategy to reduce the issues coming between the executions of the work processes concerned. The word is derived from a Greek word STRATOS that signifies leading an army or supervising a group of the people. There are several facts that need to be understood such as reducing the coast or becoming the low-cost provider does not bring out to be a good strategy. The primary motives behind the adoption of the strategies are to increase the desired productivity along with the profitability of the concerned organization (Amit Z ott, 2012). There are few of the points important which need to be considered in order to bring out the effectiveness of the work processes concerned. These are satisfaction level reliability as well as consistency from the shareholders and customers. The strategy is supposed to define the desired goals along with the objectives of the firm as to bring out the success for the concerned firm (Tucci Massa, 2013). The concepts critically reflect the fact that use of the different types of the tactics in order to capture the entire market segments by working as per the satisfaction level of the customers. The uses of the strategies are to improve the overall performance of the firm by working as per the satisfaction level of the customers. On the other hand, the development of the brand image of the organization is important as it helps in developing trust between the customers and the firm which increases the profitability of the firm concerned. There r different organizing that is using different types of the strategies, one such firm is Allergen Australia Pty. Ltd. It is a Pharmaceutical company operating its business processes throughout different parts of Australia (Gobble, 2014). There exists crucial requirement to increase the effectualness I the wok processes of the firm and this can be done with the help of formulating effective strategies required t enhance the performance of the organization. The company has adopted several strategies in order to investigate the response of the public regarding the quality and the satisfaction f the customers regarding the products offered to them. It is a matter of fact there are different pharmaceuticals companies executing their business processes throughout the concerned market areas and thus, providing discount offers and enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers will help in bringing up the preferred success for the entire company concerned. Thus, it is supposed to be vital to investigate the desired market area to formulate effective strategies as per the market area concerned. The firm has measured two of the vital aspects that are the pricing strategies and the quality of the products (Massa Tucci, 2013). One of the other strategies adopted by this firm is the delivering of the medication facilities to all of the customers concerned. Business Innovation Model There are different types of the concepts proposed regarding the development of the business model innovation the business model innovation can be explained as to be the desired set of the unique and the innovative concepts in order to achieve the defined goal of the concerned firm. The fundamental idea is to bring out the new ideas along with the new sources as to enhance the quality of the services and products offered by the organization (Ward Peppard, 2016). There are four of the important steps discovered in order to execute the entire business process, these are the initiation, ideation, integration and implementation of the entire or the concepts concerned with the processes. The first step is initiation which reflects few of the factors needs to enhance the section of the wok processes concerned. The few of the factors are what to offer throughout the market to the customers, how the revenue could be generated, how the value proposition will eve generates and offering of the most interesting products in front o the concerned customers (Simons, 2013). The business triangle is supposed to be very safe in bringing out the desired requirement of the clients throughout the market segments concerned. There are few of the other points that nobody should think that they had first as getting the innovative idea first, bigger success requires bigger resources and all the innovation ideas are merely based on the fascinating technologies. In order to make the products and services suitable for the customers bringing out the desired changes as per the changing trends helps in increasing the selling of the services as well as the products offered b the firm. Grain Crop Limited is one of the well-known agricultural firms operating its business processes throughout different parts of Australia. It is considered to be very important for the organization to enhance the quality of the products as per the satisfaction level of the customers. Therefore, the firm needs to bring out few of the latest innovative techniques in order o increase the reliability o the users in purchasing the crops (Davenport, 2013). Moreover, there are several other types of the facilities which can be offered to the customers along with the delivery of the food crops, these are easily return process in case if the customer is not satisfied with the product. It has been evaluated that the firm imports and exports the products through 9 different terminals. Development of the brand image also plays the vital role in order to increase the selling of the products and this can be done with the help of the concepts of business model innovation (Cummings Worley, 2014). References Cummings, T.G., and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Simons, R., 2013.Levers of control: how managers use innovative control systems to drive strategic renewal. Harvard Business Press. Ward, J. and Peppard, J., 2016.The Strategic Management of Information Systems: Building a Digital Strategy. John Wiley Sons. Massa, L. and Tucci, C.L., 2013. Business model innovation.The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, pp.420-441. Gobble, M.M., 2014. Business model innovation.Research-Technology Management,57(6), pp.58-61. Tucci, C. and Massa, L., 2013.Business model innovation(No. EPFL-CHAPTER-187818). Oxford University Press. Amit, R. and Zott, C., 2012. Creating value through business model innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(3), p.41.

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