Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Early American Industrial Revolution And Westward...

Harikleia Sparakis 12/19/15 BSGE Antebellum Era Essay Word Count: 1396 The Early American Industrial Revolution and Westward Expansion, two interconnected yet independent occurrences, were significant events in the Antebellum Era. The Early Industrial Revolution utilized new inventions to improve the United State’s economy and change lifestyles (Hakim NN 105; Hakim NN 107). It had offered new opportunities and transformed America s farm economy into a market economy, which is, arguably, more efficient (Hakim NN 109). While Westward Expansion extended America’s borders, fueled by a popular ideal known as â€Å"manifest destiny, it caused many disputes amongst the American citizens, creating complications in Congress (Hakim 62-63). As shown, the Industrial Revolution and Westward Expansion were both major changes for America s economy, each with its own benefits and disadvantages (Hakim NN 103-109; Hakim 58-59). The Early Industrial Revolution and Westward Expansion promoted and enhanced the effects of each other; the increased production o f textiles urged Southern farmers to expand their plantations, which in turn, produced more raw materials for the Northern industrial workers to process (Hakim NN 103-109; Hakim 58-59). While both, as shown above, had improved the economy and allowed some freedom for the workers in free states which would otherwise not have, they also promoted slavery, which, at the time, was an ongoing issueShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On Manifest Destiny1631 Words   |  7 Pagesfailed to keep our environment safe and sustained. As we advance technologically the earth is getting hotter, potentially so hot that eventually it’ll be uninhabitable(kind of like Mars). Humanity is at fault for this as around the time of the industrial revolution different fuels were being discovered and uses for them created. 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