Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Serpent handing Essay Example

Serpent handing Essay The book contributes greatly to the society in different ways. The major is a learning tool for Universities. The Archives of Appalancha at East Tennessee universities contain approximately 100 audio tapes and 50 video tapes on serpent handling services. The author according to me pays much attention to spiritual concerns other than the social change. The dynamic theory used to argue for the University of the Serpent as a means of body projections is directly related to death and resurrection.Despite the current modernization even in religion, the development of charismatic practices, some part of the United States is very strong on holiness sect. they are still practicing and following sings such as serpent handling. Although not all holiness sects handle serpents it is indeed an important act as described in mark 16:17 – 18.The Author focuses on Saylor family to illustrate the evolution of the snake handling movement which intensified as the economy and lifestyle of the Appa lachian Mountain Region moved from Agricultural subsistence to Industrial capitalism.

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