Sunday, June 28, 2020

Required Hardware Components Hardware Requirement Considerations - 1100 Words

Required Hardware Components: Hardware Requirement Considerations (Coursework Sample) Content: Required Hardware ComponentsName:Institution:Hardware components are critical operational aspects considering that there are vast technological advancements that are being made in the current era. As a result, MilleniAds needs to be well equipped with sufficient and adequate hardware components that can enable them to function effectively and deliver their services/products to their customers in an efficient manner. The hardware components that are MilleniAds is to take up should be cost effective as the company is starting up and seeks to operate on a low budget. However, the components that are to be acquired, as recommended below, should be of good quality and have high performance to enhance production of quality products/services by the company. The best hardware, software, networking, and information security options which meet the needs of MilleniAds are the most recent hardware components that are technologically advanced and cost-effective.Hardware requiremen t considerationsTo begin with, one of the needs that have to be met by these hardware components that are to be acquired by the firm is their ability to store and at the same time manipulate digital images. In addition to the above, the hardware components that are to be acquired by the company should have the ability to produce physical copies of the different products that belong to their clients. Moreover, a hardware component that will allow the CEO to keep a digital inventory and at the same time track the inventory of sales and expenses is needed by the company. The current desktop PCs at the company are limiting the performance and the capabilities of the employees. As a result, these employees need to be supplied with desktop PCs that can be able to maximize their capabilities thus leading enhancement of professional and personal responsibilities. Lastly, the employees also require hardware components that can easily access different forms of information from the company whi le they are in different locations other than the office. Looking at the requirements that have been mentioned above, below are the hardware components categories which could meet the needs of the company. One of the hardware components that is required by MilleniAds is high-quality CPU equipped with an efficient motherboard to enhance the performance of professional responsibilities and personal responsibilities. Secondly, the company should also acquire hard drives with a good size which can allow storage of inventory sales, designed flyers, and brochures, among many other materials. Thirdly, bigger RAM is required to support the functionality of the CPU and flexible hardware is also required. Lastly, the employees also require device components that will allow them to access information from the company while at a distant location. Thus, the hardware component that is needed is a server system that will give a central data storage system that can be accessed by different mobile d evices that are portable such as laptops and smartphones.Compare and ContrastHaving outlined the different categories of the hardware components that need to be acquired by the company, it is follows that a comparison of the different options available be considered before the final recommendations are made to the company. First and foremost, the company requires a server system that can effectively enhance task delivery. Moreover, the server system should be able to offer easy access to information from the company storage units. Two main types of servers are the ones that can apply in this case scenario. As much as there are five main types of server systems (i.e. file server, print server system, communications server system, application server system, database server system, and domain server system), two of these server systems are the ones that can operate efficiently for MilleniAds considering that it is an advertisement company (Tate et al., 2018). They are database server a nd communications server. These two are different in that the database server enables management of common database for a network and allowing data storage, as well as the request for data access (Tate et al., 2018). Communications server, on the other hand, handles different communication functions (Tate et al., 2018). On a different note, there are different types of motherboards that the company can consider to help in deciding on the ones that allow high functionality. The different types of motherboards are AT motherboards, ATX motherboards, Pentium 4 motherboards, and motherboards with high end graphics (Astarabadi and Cunningham, 2017). Differentiating these different types of motherboards, AT motherboards are such that they consist of power connectors with advanced technology. ATX motherboards are such that they comprise single connectors. Pentium 4 motherboards are fixed with 12V power connectors (Astarabadi and Cunningham, 2017). Lastly, motherboards with high end graphics are characterized by Z270 chipsets which support Kaby Lake processors. There are also different types of processors which explain why there are different types of CPU from which MilleniAds can choose from. Processors that available in the market are produced either by Intel or Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) (Kirk and Wen-Mei, 2016). Under Intel, there is Pentium, Core, and Celeron. Under AMD there is Phenom, Sempron, and Athlon. The difference between their efficiency and their reliability comes about by considering the date of production and their sizes (Kirk and Wen-Mei, 2016). The more efficient and reliable processors are the ones that have bigger sizes and more recently produced. Four different types of hard disk drives are present in the market (i.e. parallel advanced technology attachment, serial ATA, solid state drives, and small computer system inter...

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