Monday, December 30, 2019


A Case Study Running head: A CASE STUDY - STRATEGY AT HR BLOCK, INC. A Case Study - Strategy at HR Block, Inc. Capella University OM 8012 Strategy Dr. Perry Hahn Dec 21, 2005 1 A Case Study 2 Abstract This paper will include an analysis of the company from the four strategy perspectives provided in the project deliverable which are: Strategy as rational thought - strategic planning and decision-making, Strategy as revolution - what is referred to as disruptive innovation, Strategy as resource allocation and accumulation in the firm, and finally Strategy as technology leadership viewed as a unique competitive advantage. This paper provides information about HR Block in the areas identified in the project†¦show more content†¦14 Competitive Analysis - External ................................................................................................... 16 Industry Analyses....................................................................................................................... 16 Tax Preparation Competition .................................................................................................... 17 Software Comparison: TaxCut versus Turbo Tax ..................................................................... 20 Mortgage Industry ..................................................................................................................... 21 Financial Advice Industry.......................................................................................................... 22 Foreign Markets ........................................................................................................................ 23 Competitive Analysis – Internal.................................................................................................... 24 SWOT Analyses.......................................................................................................................... 24 Strengths: ............................................................................................................................... 24 Weaknesses:Show MoreRelatedHR Block Case Study Essay1627 Words   |  7 PagesHR Block Tax Services Case-Study Frank M. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

How College Student Inventory Turn Out - 870 Words

How did my college student inventory turn out to where I think I am actually at today? This examination turned out pretty well to what I am actually. There is a few I disagree with but, I don’t think it is totally wrong. This examination actually shocked me in a couple areas how exact it was to me from a questionnaire it could tell you all of this. The examination surpassed my thought of taking these multiple questions that had no point, but actually pin pointed me pretty closely. The areas that were the strongest for me on the College Student Inventory was, Math and Science, Attitude Towards Educators, Family Emotional Support, Sense of Financial Security and Academic Assistance. Now the math and science goes along with the attitude toward educators. Both of these were high because my mom was my math teacher and I respected all my teachers. I saw firsthand all the crap they got and stuff students tried on them. I just did what I was told and got along great with my tea chers. If they respected me, I respected them back, I believe respect is just like a two way street. Family Support and Financial Security also go together for me. My parents taught me to be tight and careful with my money. Always plan for if something happens you will be fine and can take it and not affect you to bad. Also the biggest thing is not to stretch myself out with loans and have showed me to save up and pay cash and how much you will pay in interest. Lastly is the Academic assistance,Show MoreRelatedFinancial Report : A Nyc Multinational Textile Corporation Hired A New Manager1150 Words   |  5 Pagesexperience as a Baseball manager for 12 years in Houston Texas. He could not fix the problem of his company losing sales to competitors and company stocks were trading at a record low of $12.00 per share from 6 months high of $36.00 per share. How will you turn the company around, if you were hired as the new manager? 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I had dreamt many ways to the perfectRead MoreI Have Always Loved Science Since A Young Age1444 Words   |  6 Pagesscience since a young age. During high school, I began experimenting with all the different science classes, that the school had to offer. Out of all of those classes I found the one that brought an incredible amount of fascination. That class was Botany where I had studied plants and learned their functions. I learned about how they grow from a seed to how they reproduce. Even with that class, I have always found that plants bring a certain amount of curiosity. I had dreamt many ways to the perfectRead MoreKmarts Past Struggle1577 Words   |  7 Pagescompany to its downfall. Kmart is constantly changing CEO s, and thus focuses. Kmart has had four different CEO s since 2000, all with different management objectives. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 24 Free Essays

string(40) " buying time to warn Jerome and Carter\." â€Å"Well?† Roman asked softly. â€Å"What do you think? Will you go with me?† â€Å"I don’t know,† I replied, looking down. â€Å"I’m afraid. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Blues CHAPTER 24 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † A tremulous note hung in my voice. He turned my face toward his, obviously concerned. â€Å"Afraid of what?† I looked at him through my lashes. It was a demure action. Vulnerable, even. Hard to resist. I hoped. â€Å"Of†¦ of them. I want to†¦ but I don’t think†¦ I don’t think we could ever be free. You can’t hide from them, Roman. Not forever.† â€Å"We can,† he breathed, putting his arms around me, his heart swelling at my fear. I didn’t resist at all, letting him press his body up against mine. â€Å"I told you. I can protect you. I’ll find the angel tomorrow, and we’ll leave the next day. It’s that easy.† â€Å"Roman†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I stared up at him, my eyes wide, the look of one overcome with some emotion. Hope, maybe. Passion. Wonder. I saw my expression mirrored in his own, and when he leaned down to kiss me, I didn’t stop him this time. I even kissed him back. It had been a long time since I’d kissed simply for the sake of kissing, for the feel of his tongue gently pushing into my mouth, lips caressing mine as his hands held me tightly to him. I could have kissed like that forever, just enjoying the physical sensation, devoid of any succubus feeding. It was magnificent. Intoxicating, even. There was no fear. Roman wanted more than kissing, however, and when he pulled me down, right onto my living room carpet, I didn’t stop him then either. Obvious heat and yearning filled his body. Yet, he moved carefully and slowly over me, showing a restraint that surprised and impressed me. I slept with so many guys that yielded right away to their own needs that it was downright astonishing to have someone apparently concerned with my fulfillment. No way was I complaining. He kept his body against mine, so there was no space between us as he continued kissing me. Eventually he moved from my mouth to my ear, tracing it with his tongue and lips before shifting to my neck. My neck has always been one of my more erogenous places, and I exhaled a trembling breath as that clever tongue slowly stroked the sensitive skin, making gooseflesh rise. I arched my body into his, letting him know he could have expedited things if he wanted, but he seemed to be in no hurry. Down, down he moved, kissing my breasts through the delicate charmeuse of my shirt until the fabric was wet and clung to my nipples. I sat up so he could pull the shirt off me entirely. While he was at it, he slid off the skirt too, so I was left only in panties. Still focused on my breasts, however, he continued kissing and touching them, varying between soft, feathery kisses and hard, biting ones that threatened to leave flowering purple bruises. At last he slid down, trailing his tongue along the smooth skin of my stomach, pausing when he finally reached my thighs. Meanwhile, I was a wreck, aching and desperate to touch his body in return. But when I reached for him, he gently pushed my wrists to the floor. â€Å"Not yet,† he admonished. I guess that was just as well since I was supposed to be doing something with time here. Buying it, right? Yeah, that was it. I was delaying so I could figure out a plan. A plan that I’d get to†¦ later. â€Å"Magenta,† he observed, running his fingers along the panties. They were flimsy, barely a collection of scraps of lace and sheer material. â€Å"Who’d have guessed?† â€Å"I almost never wear any clothes in the pink and magenta family,† I admitted, â€Å"but for some reason I love lingerie in those colors. And black, of course.† â€Å"It suits you. You can shape-shift these on anytime, right?† â€Å"Yeah, why?† He reached out and, with one deft motion, ripped them off. â€Å"Because they’re in my way.† Bending down, he pushed my thighs apart and buried his face between them. His tongue moved slowly over the edges of my lips and then darted forward to stroke my burning, swollen clit. Moaning, I lifted and ground my hips into him, trying to get more of my aching need fulfilled. Once again, he pushed me back to the floor, taking his time, letting his tongue circle and tease me, driving me into higher and higher pleasure. Every time I seemed about to peak, he would pull back and move his tongue down, letting it actually probe inside me where I was growing wetter. When he finally let me come, I did so loudly and wildly, my body practically thrashing as he held me down and continued sucking and tasting through my spasms. By then, I was so sensitive and dizzy that his touch was almost too much. I heard myself begging him to stop, even as he made me come again. Easing up, he released me and backed off, watching as the blissful spasms in my body slowed down. Between us, we had his clothes off in about two seconds, and he laid his body over mine, pressing bare skin against bare skin. When my hands slid down, grasping and stroking his erection, he sighed with palpable bliss. â€Å"Oh God, Georgina,† he breathed, eyes on mine. â€Å"Oh God. You have no idea how much I want you.† Didn’t I? I guided him toward me, sliding him inside. My body opened to him, welcoming him like a piece of myself I’d been missing, and he moved in and out of me with long, controlled strokes, watching my face and gauging how each angle and motion affected me. I’m buying time,I thought sagely, but as he pinned my wrists to the floor, claiming ownership of my body with each thrust, I knew I lied to myself. This was about more than just buying time to warn Jerome and Carter. You read "Succubus Blues CHAPTER 24" in category "Essay examples" This was about me. It was selfish. I had continuously craved Roman over the last few weeks, and now I had him. Not only that, but it was exactly as he had said: there was no survival here, only pleasure. I had had sex with other immortals before but not in some time. I had forgotten what it was like to not have someone else’s thoughts in my head, to simply luxuriate in my own sensations. We moved with a practiced rhythm, like our bodies did this together all the time. Those controlled strokes grew more savage, less precise. Harder and fiercer he brought himself into me, like he was going to go through the floor. Someone was making a lot of noise, and I realized distantly that it was me. I was sort of losing track of what was around me, of coherent thought. There was only my body’s response, the building force that consumed me and set me on fire and still made me demand more. I longed for completion and urged him on, bringing my body up to meet his and clenching the muscles around him. He gasped as he felt me grow tighter. His eyes burned with a near-primitive passion. â€Å"I want to see you come again,† he gasped out. â€Å"Come for me.† For whatever reason, it only took that command to finish me off, to plunge me over the edge of that dizzying ecstasy. I cried out more loudly, my throat long since gone hoarse. Whatever expression I wore, it was enough to drive him into his own finish. No sound came out as his lips parted, but he closed his eyes and held himself inside me after a final hard thrust, shaking with pleasure. When he had finished, his body still trembling with the force of his orgasm, he rolled off me onto his back, sweaty and satisfied. I turned toward him, splaying my fingers on his chest, admiring the lean muscles and tanned flesh of his body. â€Å"You’re beautiful,† I told him, taking a nipple into my mouth. â€Å"You aren’t so bad yourself,† he murmured, stroking my hair. Perspiration rolled off my body too, making some of the strands damp and curl up more than usual. â€Å"Is this you? Your real shape?† I shook my head, surprised by the question. I trailed my lips up to his neck. â€Å"I’ve only worn that body once since becoming a succubus. A long time ago.† Pausing mid-kiss, I asked, â€Å"You want something different? I can be anything you want me to be, you know.† He grinned, flashing those white teeth. â€Å"One of the perks of loving a succubus, no doubt.† Sitting up, he scooped me into his arms and then rose, slightly wobbly with the added weight. â€Å"But no. Ask me in another century, maybe, and I might have a different answer. For now, I’ve got a lot more to learn about this body.† He carried me off to my bedroom, where we made love in a slower, slightly more civilized manner, our bodies twining together like ribbons of liquid fire. With that initial animalism somewhat satisfied, we lingered longer now, exploring the different ways each person’s body responded. We spent most of the night cycling through a pattern: slow and loving, fast and furious, rest, repeat. I grew exhausted somewhere around three and finally gave in to sleep, resting my head against his chest, ignoring the nagging worries in the back of my mind. I woke up a few hours later, sitting bolt upright as the previous night’s events came slamming back into me with sharper clarity. I’d gone to sleep in a nephilim’s arms. Talk about vulnerability. Yet†¦ here I was, still alive. Roman lay beside me, snug and warm, Aubrey at his feet. Both of them regarded me with tired, squinty eyes, wondering at my sudden motion. â€Å"What’s the matter?† he asked, stifling a yawn. â€Å"N-nothing,† I assured him. Removed from passion, I found myself able to think a bit more clearly. What had I done ? Sleeping with Roman might have bought me time, but I was no closer to finding some way out of this crazy situation. Lying there, I caught sight of Carter’s daffodils, and they jolted me into a decision. The flowers themselves had only been part of a small act, but something about them made me realize I could not sit passively by and let Roman kill Carter. I had to act, no matter the risk, no matter the likelihood of failure. We all have moments of weakness. It’s how we recover from them that really counts. It didn’t matter if I loved the nephilim and hated the angel, neither of which was entirely true. This was more about me, about the kind of person I was. I had spent centuries hurting men for my own survival, often devastatingly so, but I could not be a part of premeditated murder, no matter how noble the cause. I hadn’t reached that stage of life. Not yet. I blinked back sudden tears, overwhelmed by what I had to do. What I had to do to Roman. â€Å"Then go back to sleep,† he murmured, running a hand along my body, from waist to thigh. Yes, I knew what I had to do. It was a long shot, hardly a solid plan, but I couldn’t think of anything else to take advantage of Roman’s current, off-guard mood. â€Å"I can’t,† I explained, starting to get out of bed. â€Å"I have to work.† His eyes opened wider. â€Å"What? When?† â€Å"I open. I need to be there in a half hour.† He sat up, dismayed. â€Å"You work all day?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"I still had a few more things I wanted to do to you,† he mumbled, sliding an arm around my waist to pull me back, cupping a breast in his hand. I leaned back into him, feigning being caught up in passion. All right, I wasn’t exactly feigning. † Mmm†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I turned my face toward his, brushing our lips together. â€Å"I could call in sick maybe†¦ not that they’d believe it. I’m never sick, and they know it.† â€Å"Fuck them,† he mumbled, pushing me back down into the bed, his hands growing bolder. â€Å"Fuck them so I can fuck you again.† â€Å"Then let me up,† I laughed. â€Å"I can’t call in like this.† Reluctantly he released me, and I slid out of the bed, grinning back at him as I went. He watched me hungrily, like a cat sizing up prey. Honestly, I liked it. That desire quickly melted into apprehension as I walked into the living room and picked up my portable phone. I had left all the room doors open, acting as casual and relaxed as possible, giving Roman no cause for alarm. Knowing he could probably hear me in the living room, I mentally rehearsed my words as I dialed Jerome’s cell phone number. Not surprisingly, however, the demon did not answer. Damn him. What good was our bond if I couldn’t use it at will? Having anticipated this, I tried my next option: Hugh. If I got his cell’s voice mail, I would be out of luck. I could not pull off my plan if I had to call his office number and wade through his arsenal of secretaries. â€Å"Hugh Mitchell speaking.† â€Å"Hey, Doug, it’s Georgina.† A pause. â€Å"Did you just call me Doug?† â€Å"Look, I can’t come in today. I think I’ve caught that bug that’s been going around.† Roman wandered out of my bedroom, and I smiled at him as he made his way to my refrigerator. Meanwhile, Hugh tried to make sense of my nonsense. â€Å"Uh, Georgina†¦ I think you dialed the wrong number.† â€Å"No, I’m serious, Doug, so don’t get smart with me. I can’t come in, okay?† Dead silence. Finally Hugh asked, â€Å"Georgina, are you all right?† â€Å"No. I already told you that. Look, will you just pass it on?† â€Å"Georgina, what’s going on – â€Å" â€Å"Well, I’m sure you’ll figure out something,† I continued, â€Å"but it’ll have to be without me. I’ll try to be in tomorrow.† I disconnected and looked up at Roman, shaking my head. â€Å"It would figure Doug was there. He definitely didn’t believe me.† â€Å"Knows you too well, huh?† he asked, drinking a glass of orange juice. â€Å"Yeah, but he’ll cover for me, despite his complaining. He’s good like that.† I tossed the phone onto the couch and approached Roman. Time for more distraction. I doubted Hugh would fully grasp the situation, but he would at least assume something wasn’t right. As I had noted in the past, one couldn’t live as long as an immortal did and be stupid. He would suspect something and hopefully hunt down Jerome. My job now was to keep the nephilim busy until the cavalry came. â€Å"So what exactly was it you wanted to do to me?† I purred. A number of things, as it turned out. We wound up back in my bedroom, and I discovered waiting out the time until Hugh could take action wasn’t nearly as difficult as I had feared. Slight twinges of guilt tugged at me over enjoying Roman so much, especially now that I’d made my decision and called for help. He had murdered untold numbers of immortals and had designs on a near-friend. Still, I couldn’t help my feelings. I was attracted to him – had been for a long time, even – and he was really, really good in bed. â€Å"Eternity doesn’t seem so bad with you in my arms,† he murmured later, stroking my hair as I curled up against him. Turning my face toward his, I saw a somber expression in his eyes. â€Å"What’s wrong?† â€Å"Georgina†¦ do you†¦ do you really want me to leave this angel alone?† â€Å"Yes,† I blurted out after a moment of surprise. â€Å"I don’t want you to hurt anyone else.† He studied me for a long time before speaking. â€Å"Last night, when you asked me, I didn’t think I could. I didn’t think I could let it go. Now†¦ after being with you†¦ being like this. It just seems petty. Well, maybe petty isn’t the right word. I mean, what they did to us was terrible†¦ but maybe if I keep going after them, I let them win. I become what they say I am. I let them keep dictating the parameters of my life. I’d be conforming to nonconformity, I guess, and missing what’s really important. Like loving and being in love.† â€Å"Wh-what are you saying?† He cupped my cheek. â€Å"I’m saying, I’ll do it, love. The past will not rule my present. For you, I’ll walk away. You and me. We’ll go today and leave all this behind. Get a home somewhere and start a life together. We can go to Vegas.† I turned rigid in his arms, my eyes widening. Oh God. A knock sounded at my door, and I nearly jumped ten feet. Only about forty minutes had passed. No, no, I thought. It was too soon. Especially in light of this sudden turnabout. Hugh couldn’t have acted so fast. I didn’t know what to do. Roman raised an eyebrow, curious more than anything else. â€Å"Expecting anyone?† I shook my head, trying to hide the racing of my heart. â€Å"Doug’s always threatened to come get me,† I joked. â€Å"I hope he didn’t finally decide to act on it.† Getting out of bed, I went to my closet, urging every nerve in my body to look nonchalant. I put on a deep red kimono, ran a hand self-consciously through my messy hair, and walked out to the living room, trying not to hyperventilate once out of Roman’s sight. Oh Lord, I thought, approaching the door. What am I going to do? What am I going to – â€Å"Seth?† The writer stood outside, a bakery box in hand, his own face registering as much shock as mine undoubtedly did. I watched his eyes quickly slip up the length of me, and I suddenly became aware of how short my robe was and just how much the clinging silk revealed. His eyes snapped up to my face, and he swallowed. â€Å"Hi. I.,.that is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One of my neighbors walked by, stopping and staring when he saw me in the robe. â€Å"Come in,† I urged Seth with a grimace, closing the door behind him. Having expected a cavalcade of immortals, I felt more confused than ever now. â€Å"I’m sorry,† he managed at last, trying to keep his eyes from drifting to my body. â€Å"I hope I didn’t wake you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"No†¦ no†¦ it’s not a problem†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Naturally Roman chose that moment to make an appearance, coming down the hall from my bedroom in only boxers. â€Å"So what’s – oh hey, how’s it going? Seth, right?† â€Å"Right,† said Seth flatly, looking from me to Roman and then back to me. In the wake of that gaze, I didn’t care about nephilim, immortals, or saving Carter. All I could think of was how this must look to Seth. Poor Seth, who had done nothing but be nice to me since I’d met him, yet who nonetheless managed to get hurt over and over by my insensitivity – not to mention an unfortunate set of circumstances. I didn’t know what to say; I felt as mortified as he apparently did. I did not want him to see me like this, all of my lies and inconsistent signals coming to light. â€Å"Is that breakfast?† the nephilim asked cheerfully. He was the only one of us at ease. â€Å"Huh?† Seth still looked stunned beyond words. â€Å"Oh yeah.† He set the box down on my coffee table. â€Å"Keep it. It’s a coffee cake. Maple pecan. As for me†¦ I’m going to†¦ I’m just going to leave now. I’m sorry to bother you. Really sorry. I knew it was your day off and just thought we could†¦ I don’t know. You’d said yesterday†¦ well. It was stupid. I should have called. It was stupid. I’m sorry.† He started to turn, but the damage was done. Of all the possible scenarios, this would be the one in which short-spoken Seth chose to ramble. I knew it was your day off. Shit. Roman turned on me, the incredulity on his face transforming to fury before my eyes. â€Å"Who,† he gasped, voice barely coming out in his anger, â€Å"who did you call? Who the fuck did you call?† I stepped backward. â€Å"Seth, get out of – â€Å" Too late. A wave of power, not unlike the one Jerome had used on me, slammed against both Seth and me, thrusting us against my living room wall. Roman strode up to us, glaring at me, his eyes like blue flame. â€Å"Who did you call?† he roared. I didn’t answer. â€Å"Do you have any idea what you’ve done?† Turning from us, he grabbed my phone and dialed. â€Å"I need you to get over here right now†¦.yes, yes, I don’t fucking care. Leave it.† He recited my address and disconnected. I didn’t need to ask who he had called. I knew. The other nephilim. His sister. Running a hand through his hair, Roman paced frantically around my living room. â€Å"Shit. Shit. You may have ruined everything!† he yelled at me. â€Å"Do you realize that? Do you realize that, you lying bitch? How could you do this to me?† I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. Movement, even talking, was too hard in that psychic net. I couldn’t even look at Seth. God only knew what he must think of all of this. Ten minutes later, I heard another knock. If I had any sort of divine favor left, it would be Jerome and Carter, ready to come to my rescue. Surely even a succubus deserved a break now and then, I thought as I watched Roman open the door. Helena walked in. Oh, man. â€Å"About time,† Roman snapped, slamming the door behind her. â€Å"What’s going – † She cut her words off, eyes widening at the sight of Seth and me. Turning back to Roman, she gave him and his boxers a once-over. â€Å"For crying out loud, what have you done now?† â€Å"Someone’s coming,† he hissed, ignoring her question. â€Å"Right now.† â€Å"Who?† she demanded, hands on hips. There was no rasp in her voice now, and she looked amazingly competent. If I hadn’t already been rendered speechless, the sight of her would have done it. â€Å"I don’t know,† he admitted. â€Å"Probably our exalted sire. She called someone.† Helena turned and approached me, making terror sink into my bones as I realized my danger. Helena was the other nephilim. Crazy, swindling Helena. Helena, whom I had insulted on a number of occasions, mocked behind her back, and stolen employees from. The look on her face informed me she was considering all of those things as she stared me down. â€Å"Drop the field,† she snapped to Roman, and a moment later, Seth and I slumped forward, gasping, as the power released us. â€Å"Is he right? Did you call our father?† â€Å"I†¦ didn’t call†¦ anyone†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"She’s lying,† Roman observed mildly. â€Å"Who did you call, Georgina?† When I didn’t answer, she walked over and slapped me hard, the impact making a loud crack. There was something oddly familiar about it, but then, there would be. Helena was the one who had beat me up that night on the street. I realized then she must have known it was me when I went to Krystal Starz, in spite of my disguise. Recognizing my signature, she had chosen to play with me, feeding me the lines about having a great future as she pushed titles and workshops on me. â€Å"Always difficult, aren’t you?† she scoffed. â€Å"For years, I’ve put up with you and others like you, those who mock my lifestyle and teachings. I should have done something about you a long time ago.† â€Å"Why?† I wondered aloud, gaining control of my voice again. â€Å"Why do you do it? You, of all people, who know about angels and demons†¦ why do you tout the New Age bullshit?† She eyed me scathingly. â€Å"Is it really? Is it bullshit to encourage people to seize control of their own lives, to view themselves as sources of power instead of getting caught up in all the guilt of what’s right and what’s wrong?† When I didn’t answer, she continued, â€Å"I teach people to empower themselves. I teach them to let go of sin and salvation, to learn how to find happiness now – in this world. True, some of it is†¦ embellished for the sake of creating wonder and awe, but what does that matter, if the ends are achieved? People walk away from my classes feeling like gods and goddesses. They find that within themselves, rather than selling out to some cold, hypocritical institution.† I couldn’t even begin to formulate a response, and it occurred to me that Helena and Roman thought exactly alike, both of them dissatisfied with the system that had spawned them, each of them rebelling against it in different ways. â€Å"I know what you think of me. I’ve heard what you say about me. I saw you throw away the materials I gave you that night, no doubt thinking I was just some crazy, babbling New Age crackpot. And yet†¦ for someone so smugly confident, so critically self-righteous, you are one of the most unhappy people I’ve ever met. You hate the game, and yet you play it. You play it, and you defend it because you don’t have the courage to do anything else.† She shook her head, chuckling dryly. â€Å"I didn’t have to be psychic to give you any of those predictions. You are gifted, but you waste it. You are wasting your life, and you will spend it miserable and alone.† â€Å"I can’t change what I am,† I told her hotly, stung by her words. â€Å"Spoken like a slave to the system.† â€Å"Fuck you,† I shot back. Having one’s pride and self-identity shattered will often make a person irrationally angry, regardless if the point was well made. â€Å"Better a comfortable slave than some freakish divine bastard. It’s no wonder your kind is being hunted to extinction.† She hit me again, this time packing nephilim power with the punch, not unlike that night in the alley. It hurt – a lot. â€Å"You little whore. You have no idea what you’re talking about.† She moved to hit me again but was stopped as Seth suddenly pushed himself in front of me. â€Å"Stop it,† he exclaimed. â€Å"Stop it, all of – â€Å" A blast of power – from Roman or Helena, I didn’t know – pushed Seth across the room, to the other wall. I flinched. â€Å"How dare you – † began Helena, her blue eyes flashing angrily. â€Å"You, a mortal, who have no idea what you’re – â€Å" I was already moving before the words could even come out of her mouth. Seeing Seth abused sparked something in me, an angry response I knew to be hopeless but which I couldn’t really prevent. I sprang at Helena, taking on the first shape that came to mind, no doubt thanks to seeing Aubrey earlier: a tiger. The transformation only took a second but hurt like hell, as my human body expanded, feet and hands turning to heavy, clawed paws. I had the element of surprise, but only for a moment, as I slammed into her, knocking her slight body to the floor. My victory was short lived. Before I could sink teeth into her neck, a hurricane-worthy force blew me from her into my china cabinet. The impact was ten times harder than the one that had pinned Seth and me earlier, and the pain jolted me back into my normal shape as glass and crystal broke behind me, pieces falling around me, cutting my skin. I moved again, frantic, knowing the futility but needing to do something, too caught up in battle lust. I lunged at Roman this time, urging my body to take on the shape of†¦ well, I didn’t even know what. I had no specific form in mind, only features: claws, teeth, scales, muscles. Sharp. Large. Dangerous. A creature of nightmares, a true demon of hell. I never even came close to touching the nephilim, however. One or both of them anticipated me, mid-leap, throwing me back to land near Seth this time, his wide eyes watching me with terror and wonder. Bolts of power struck me, making me cry out in pain, shattering every nerve within me. My new shape’s hide protected me only briefly, and then hurt and exhaustion made me lose control of the transformation. I slipped back into the slim, human body just as another net of power pinned me into place, ensuring I couldn’t move anymore. My entire shape-shifting attack had lasted all of a minute, and I now felt completely drained and worn, my reserve of Martin Miller power finally dried up. So much for bravery. A nephilimcould easily blow one of you out of the water. â€Å"Valiantly done, Georgina,† chuckled Roman, wiping sweat off his brow. He had expended a great deal of power too, but he had a lot more of it to spend than I did. â€Å"Valiant, but foolish.† Walking over, he looked me up and down and shook his head with bitter amusement. â€Å"You don’t know how to ration your energy. You’ve burned yourself out.† â€Å"Roman†¦ I’m so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I didn’t need him to tell me how low on energy I was. I could feel it. I wasn’t just low, I was empty. Running on fumes, so to speak. Looking at my hands, I saw my appearance flicker slightly, shimmering almost like a heat mirage. That was bad. Wearing a body for long enough, even if it isn’t your original, becomes ingrained after a few years, and I had had this one for fifteen. It was second nature to me. I thought of it as my own; it was what I always unconsciously returned to. Yet, I was fighting to hold on to it right now, to not slip back to the body of my birth. This was bad – very bad. â€Å"Sorry?† Roman asked, and I saw on his face just how terribly I’d hurt him. â€Å"You can’t even begin to imagine – â€Å" We all felt it at the same time. Roman and Helena spun around to shoot each other alarmed looks, and then my front door blew open. The bonds holding me dropped as the nephilim redirected their power at the apocalypse coming through. Brilliant light spilled inside, light so brilliant it hurt. Familiar light. The same terrible shape I’d seen in the alley appeared once more, only there were two of them this time. Mirror images. Indistinguishable. I didn’t know who was who, but I remembered Carter’s offhand observation from a week ago: an angel in full form will freak most beings out – it’ll kill a mortal†¦ â€Å"Seth,† I whispered, turning from that glorious spectacle to look at the writer. He was staring at it, brown eyes wide with awe and fear as the glory of it drew him in. â€Å"Seth, don’t look at them.† With my fleeting strength, I lifted a shimmering hand and turned his face toward mine. â€Å"Seth, don’t look at them. Look at me. Only at me.† Somewhere beyond us, someone screamed. The world was blowing apart. â€Å"Georgina†¦Ã¢â‚¬  breathed Seth, gingerly touching my face. â€Å"What’s wrong with you?† Focusing all of my will, I urged my body to fight and hold on to the shape he had first come to know me in. It was a losing battle. A dying one even. I could not survive much longer like this. Seth leaned closer to me, and I tuned out the sounds of chaos and destruction raging around us, instead focusing all the world, all of my perception, toward his face. I had said Roman was beautiful, but he was nothing – nothing at all – compared to Seth in that moment. Seth, with those long-lashed, quizzical brown eyes, kindness made manifest in all of his actions. Seth, his messy hair and slightly unkempt facial hair, framing a face which could not hide his nature, the strength of his character shining out at me, his soul like a beacon on a foggy night. â€Å"Seth,† I whispered. â€Å"Seth.† He leaned toward me, letting me draw him closer and closer, and then, as heaven and hell raged beyond, I kissed him. How to cite Succubus Blues CHAPTER 24, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Title IX Essay Thesis Example For Students

Title IX Essay Thesis A Brief Overview of Title IX and how it effects both Men and Women Title IX ofthe Education Amendments of 1972 is the ?Federal law which prohibits sexdiscrimination against the students and employees of any educational agency thatreceives Federal financial assistance?(Mathews I-1). From June 23, 1972 allthe way up until today, there has been a constant struggle as to whatgender?equality actually is. Title IX has had a profound effect on both maleand female students on college campuses all across the country, because as itgives one group of students opportunities, it, in a sense, is responsible forstealing away those same opportunities from another group of students. There maybe an attempt to achieve equality in college athletics based solely on gender,but this attempt may actually be creating inequality especially in regard to thenumber of athletic opportunities, which are available for student-athletes. Theeffects of Title IX on male student athletes are very noticeable in that inor der to create an equal number of scholarship opportunities for women, men mayhave to give up their scholarships. An example of this is the lawsuit of TomCaruso v. University of Arkansas-Fayetteville on May 27, 1993 (Curtis 6). Mr. Caruso was a member of the Universities diving team, and their decision todiscontinue the diving program in an effort to comply with the Title IXguidelines, was definitely unfair to him. Another example of inequality wheremale athletes are concerned is the decision that the Southeastern Conferencemade in 1995 that has required each of its member institutions to provide aminimum of two more womens sports than mens sports (Curtis 2). Byrequiring there to be two more womens sports than mens sports, men arelosing out on two additional opportunities to participate in intercollegiateathletics. Many colleges and universities are doing away with non-revenuegenerating mens sports such as tennis, soccer, and track in an effort to findthe additional funds to support the extra womens sports. The female studentathlete population can definitely feel the effects and benefits of Title IX aswell. There are womens sports programs seemingly popping up every day. Schools that basically ignored female athletics in the past are now offeringwomens gymnastics, golf, volleyball, water polo, etc. Every single femalesport that is being added is not only providing opportunities for the women asathletes right now, but also the opportunities to be involved in their specificsport when their playing career is over. Whether they look for positions ascoaches, athletic trainers, or administrators, opportunities are definitely onthe horizon whereas before, they had a very limited future in regards to thenumber of positions available, and due to the ?lack of parity between male andfemale salaries in those positions? (Kovacs 16). Women may have more of avariety of sports to choose to participate in now, but the total number ofscholarship opportunities is still way below the opportunities given to the men. Also, there are quite a few institutions that are ?dragging their feet? whenit comes to compliance with Title IX. The promise of more opportunities is outthere, but it seems to take a while for those promises to materialize. A hugemyth that has circulated from the beginning of the Title IX struggles is thatfootball programs will become extinct if girls and women are given theopportunity to play sports. Unfortunately, the gender equity debate has boileddown to the myth that girls are not as interested in playing sports as boys. Andeven if they are, the male-dominated sports society doesnt want to add moresports teams for girls, because they are in fear that this will cause them tolose their favorite college football team. The myth that womens volleyball ortrack will cause football an untimely death is absurd. If for no other apparentreason, football is the ?cash cow? at most universities and without themoney that football programs bring into the athletics department budgets, notmany o ther sports could survive. All that women want is the opportunity to playsports, not the opportunity to take sports away from men. By giving women theopportunity to participate in college athletics, men are having opportunitiestaken away from them. If you want girls softball and gymnastics, then we aregoing to have to take away your boys lacrosse team. The girls shouldnt reallybe blamed here, because all they want is an opportunity to participate, justlike the men have done for decades. Women deserve the opportunity, as do men, tonot only participate in college sports as athletes, but also to participate incollege down the road as an administrator or coach. Once again, the questionarises: In the attempt to create equality based solely on gender, how can youkeep from creating inequality? Its a shame that one gender may have to sufferso that the other can attempt to have ?equality?. .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .postImageUrl , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:hover , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:visited , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:active { border:0!important; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:active , .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub42e59ec471562326fecb1ae3cf5307f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hate Crimes EssayBibliographyCurtis, Mary C., Dr. Gender Equity in Sports. 26 June 2000. The University ofIowa Womens Intercollegiate Athletics Department Research on Title IXLawsuits and Voluntary Acts. **Kovacs, Frank W. Title IX: Parity of Coaches Salaries for Male and FemaleAthletic Teams. Washington, D.C. National Education Association. 1979. Mathews,Martha. Implementing Title IX and Attaining Sex Equity: A Workshop Package forPostsecondary Educators. Washington, D.C. Resource Center on Sex Roles inEducation National Foundation for the Improvement of Education. September 1978.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Addiction and recovery free essay sample

Addiction is one of the major problems the modern world is facing. Many people have come to understand the term differently and thus it has affected our knowledge about it and how we are supposed to tackle it (Edwards, 2002). However, researchers have come to agree that addiction is a kind of a disease that affects the brain (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009). When it comes to recovery, the term itself is hard to define since it involves so many processes such as treatment, interventions from the criminal and justice system, individuals and families among others (New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, nd). It can however be defined as a healing process from the effects of a particular disease and the stigma the society attaches on the disease. It may also refer to the process of regaining what one lost during the time of illness or treatment (White, Boyle Loveland, nd). We will write a custom essay sample on Addiction and recovery or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are so many challenges of addiction and recovery in the modern society and thus this is what this essay seeks to explore on. Challenges of addiction It is a well known fact that the modern society plays a significant role when it comes to addiction since it makes it easy for people to get addicted. The capitalist system that is being perpetuated encourages growth and consumption patterns. People are encouraged to compete especially when it comes to shopping for different and sophisticated things in order to enhance their status socially. This makes people to go for things that they do not genuinely need and all these amount to addiction. People become addicted differently and this can be attributed to such factors like genetics, environment, or the combination of both of them. A person with an addictive personality is prone to addiction to different things and this will definitely affect his/her treatment (Petteri, 2010). The contemporary society is known to propagate such things as success, beauty and money and hence many people who suffer from low self esteem   think they cannot live up to those standards and thus, they result to drugs. Addiction has become a major concern for everyone in the society today regardless of whether one is related to an addict or not; this problem is becoming bigger and bigger since it is multi faceted. The modern society is faced with the highest number of addictions and that include; drugs, alcohol, medication, nicotine, stimulants such as tea and coffee, food or refusal to take food, junk food, work, exercise, beauty, cleanliness, television, internet, shopping, sex, gambling, money, love among others. Each of these addictions has destructive aspects (Sophyah, 2002). For the last 30 years, the US government has declared war on addictions, especially that of drugs but so far, there is no sign that it is going to win. This is because there is a marked increase in crime in the current society, the health care bills have been going up and the problem of drug abuse seems not to be letting up since people are getting more and more involved in dangerous drugs, for example, cocaine, crack, heroine and methamphetamine. There is no single day that can be claimed that addiction only affects the victims. This is because it affects everyone in the society including both the rich and the poor and even the people who are regarded lost in the society. Drug addiction has negative consequences and this can be seen in homes, at workplaces, as well as in both schools and churches (Lucas, 2008). In our society, the health of many people has been affected by drugs. Drug addiction is regarded as a disease which affects the brain chemistry and consequently results in a change of behavior. Apart from change in behavior, it has led to the increase in number of stroke cases, cardiovascular diseases, overdose, and contraction of HIV/AID among other health problems. Depression and suicide among individuals have been reported to be as a result of drug addiction. This addiction is usually accompanied by other serious health problems such as mouth, throat, larynx, stomach, kidney, pancreatic and bladder cancers and increase in the number of cases related to nerve cells. Besides the individuals, the people close to them are usually affected health wise (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010). Families have also had to bear the brunt of drug epidemic in that by the time it dawns on the addicted person that he/she has a problem, the family would have already been seriously affected. It affects husbands, wives, sisters and brothers and at the end, it affects the whole society. An estimation has been made by the National Library of Medicine that 20% of people residing in US have used medicine that has been prescribed for purposes which are not medical (Mission Enabled,2010). Moreover, drug addiction has had tremendous challenges on law. The media houses daily report cases of theft, shootings, drug busts, individuals trafficking drugs illegally and drugs manufacture. Some parents have also been arrested for child neglect and even murder which can be attributed to this addiction among other crimes. Moreover, the addiction has had a toll on the American economy . The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that this addiction costs the country $67 billion every year and which includes the cost of incarceration, law enforcement, traffic injuries, treatments and absenteeism at wok place due to addiction. Since drugs negatively affect reasoning, it makes drug addicts more susceptible to committing crimes than other individuals (Mission enabled, 2010). A society whose economy is affected by drugs usually lags behind and this is attributed to the illegal smuggling and production of drugs (Lucas, 2008). Drug addiction not only affects the addict himself but also the relationship of the addict with every one around him/her. It strains friendships as well as all the relationships between the addict and his/her family. In addition, it makes the individual withdraw from others in the society and also makes the society withdraw from the individual. This problem is known to affect people of all ages, both adults and teens and it continues to grow at a steady pace. The situation is getting worse since drugs are available every where in the country (Chris, 2009).

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Fourth Dimension - Definition in Art History

The Fourth Dimension - Definition in Art History We live in a three-dimensional world and our brains are trained to see three dimensions - height, width, and depth. This was formalized thousands of years ago in the year 300 B.C. by the Alexandrian Greek philosopher, Euclid, who founded a school of mathematics, wrote a textbook called the Euclidean Elements, and is known as the father of geometry. However, several hundred years ago physicists  and mathematicians postulated a fourth dimension. Mathematically, the  fourth dimension  refers to time as another dimension  along with length, width, and depth. It  also refers to space and the space-time continuum. For some, the fourth dimension is spiritual or metaphysical. Many artists during the early 20th century, among them the Cubists, Futurists, and Surrealists, have attempted to convey the fourth dimension in their two-dimensional artwork, moving beyond the realistic representation of three-dimensions to a visual interpretation of the fourth dimension, and creating a world of infinite possibilities. Theory of Relativity The idea of time as a fourth dimension is usually attributed to the Theory of Special Relativity proposed in 1905 by the German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955). However, the idea that time is a dimension goes back to the 19th century, as seen in the novel The Time Machine  (1895) by British author H.G. Wells (1866-1946), wherein a scientist invents a machine that lets him travel to different eras, including the future. Although we may not be able to travel through time in a machine, scientists have more recently  discovered that time travel is, in fact, theoretically possible.   Henri Poincarà © Henri Poincarà © was a French philosopher, physicist, and mathematician who influenced both Einstein and  Pablo Picasso with his 1902 book, Science and Hypothesis. According to an article in Phaidon,   Picasso was particularly struck by Poincarà ©s advice on how to view the fourth dimension, which artists considered another spatial dimension. If you could transport yourself into it, you would see every perspective of a scene at once. But how to project these perspectives on to canvas? Picassos response to Poincarà ©s advice on how to view the fourth dimension was Cubism   viewing multiple perspectives of a subject at once. Picasso never met Poincarà © or Einstein, but their ideas transformed his art, and art thereafter. Cubism and Space Although the Cubists did not necessarily know  about Einsteins theory -   Picasso was unaware of Einstein when he created Les Demoiselles dAvignon  (1907), an early Cubist painting - they were aware of the popular idea of time travel. They also understood Non-Euclidean geometry, which the artists Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger discussed in their book Cubism  (1912). There they mention the German mathematician Georg Riemann (1826-1866) who developed the hypercube. Simultaneity in Cubism was one way artists illustrated their  understanding of the fourth dimension, meaning that the artist would simultaneously show  views of the same subject from different viewpoints  - views that would not normally be able to be seen together at the same time in the real world. Picassos Protocubist painting, Demoiselles DAvignon, is an example of such a painting, since it uses simultaneous fragments of the subjects as seen from different viewpoints - for example, both a profile and frontal view of the same face. Other examples of Cubist paintings showing simultaneity are Jean Metzingers Tea Time (Woman with a Teaspoon) (1911), Le Oiseau Bleu (The Blue Bird  (1912-1913), and  Robert Delaunays paintings of the Eiffel Tower behind curtains.   In this sense, the Fourth Dimension concerns the way in which two kinds of perception work together as we interact with objects or people in space. That is, to know things in real time, we must bring our memories from past time into the present. For example, when we sit down, we dont look at the chair as we lower ourselves on to it. We assume the chair will still be there when our bottoms hit the seat. Cubists painted their subjects based not on how they saw them, but on what they knew of them, from multiple perspectives. Futurism and Time Futurism, which was an offshoot of Cubism, was a movement that originated in Italy and was interested in motion, speed, and the beauty of modern life. The futurists were influenced by a new technology called chrono-photography  that showed the movement of the subject in still-photos through a sequence of frames, much like a childs flip-book. It was the precursor to film and animation. One of the first futurist paintings was  Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash  (1912), by Giacomo Balla, conveying the concept of movement and speed by blurring and repetition of the subject. Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2 (1912), by Marcel Duchamp, combines the Cubist technique of multiple views with the futurist technique of the repetition of a single figure in a sequence of steps, showing the human form in motion. Metaphysical and Spiritual Another definition for the fourth dimension is the act of perceiving (consciousness) or feeling (sensation). Artists and writers often think of the fourth dimension as the life of the mind and many early 20th century artists used ideas about the fourth dimension to explore metaphysical content.   The fourth dimension is associated with infinity and unity; the reversal of reality and unreality; time and motion; non-Euclidean geometry and space; and spirituality. Artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, and Piet Mondrian,  each explored those ideas in unique ways in their abstract paintings.   The fourth dimension also inspired Surrealists such as the Spanish artist Salvador Dali, whose painting, Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) (1954), united a classical portrayal of Christ with a tesseract, a four-dimensional cube. Dali used the idea of the fourth dimension to illustrate the spiritual world transcending our physical universe. Conclusion Just as mathematicians and physicists explored the fourth dimension and its possibilities for alternative realities, artists were able to break away from one-point perspective and the three-dimensional reality it represented to explore those issues on their two-dimensional surfaces, creating new forms of abstract art. With new discoveries in physics and the development of computer graphics, contemporary artists continue to experiment with the concept  of dimensionality. Resources and Further Reading Henri Poincarà ©: the unlikely link between Einstein and Picasso, The Guardian, Picasso, Einstein, and the fourth dimension, Phaidon, The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art, Revised Edition, The MIT Press, The Fourth Dimension in Painting: Cubism and Futurism, The peacocks tail, The painter who entered the fourth dimension, BBC, The Fourth Dimension, Levis Fine Art, Updated by Lisa Marder 12/11/17

Thursday, November 21, 2019

African American Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

African American Final - Essay Example Slavery, otherwise known as forced as labor, was a form of human power that existed legally from the early colonial period. Slavery became illegal in the Northwest Territory following a declaration set forth by the Congressi. Following these struggles towards freeing the black people from the York of their masters, whites, many scholars, and researchers put down into writing many scholarly articles explaining in chronology what really happened back in those days. Present in the list of these scholars are Donald Wright, Deborah Gray White, and John Hope Franklin among others. Apart from these acclaimed writers, there were great fictional works presented in form of images and ideas in the Jubilee, Amistad, and Glory. Their main feature focuses on slavery in America and gives a clear understanding about its end. Introduction Once more, slavery gained its grip in 1800 despite its illegality due to the rise of cotton industry. However, in 1807, it became illegal and punishable. At this po int, cases abolishing slavery and its expansion were rampant whereby a small number of abolitionists from the North denounced the act as sinful. These sentiments faced great opposition from anti-slavery forces who rejected the move claiming that it was detrimental and inflicted the rights of free men. In spite of rising attempts to comprise slave abolishment, eleven states that broke away in 1861 joined forces and formed the Confederate States of America. This indicated that, all the attempted compromises failedii. To give slavery a natural death, the 1862 Union vowed to make slave abolition a war to win and in 1865, all the slaves within the Untied States of America were free and their owners received no compensation. In this essay, I will seek to organize and develop a thoughtful writing on the end of slavery in the United States. African Americans and the end of slavery in the United States Documented evidence asserts that, people of African American decency played a major role t owards the abolishment of slavery in America. All this was because of a mistake committed in the 1619 when the first African slaves set foot on the American soil in Virginia. The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 gave rise to increased demand for more slaves. However, seeing what they were undergoing, some enslaved African Americans such as Gabriel Prosser who was a blacksmith, planned to organize a slave revolt aimed at marching on Richmond, Virginia. Upon uncovering their conspiracy, the state federal fugitive law authorized hanging of Prosser in conjunction with a number of the rebels. African Americans, in addition to the whites, acted figuratively in view of ending slavery in Americaniii. Great people like Denmark Vesey who was an African American carpenter, purchased his freedom to become a slave abolishment activist. He planned a slave revolt intending to lay siege in a place on Charleston, South Carolina. The most significant role was that of the enslaved Af rican American Preacher, Nat Turner since he led the most intuitive uprising of slavery in the American History. Together with his band of followers, Turner launched a short but bloody rebellion in the county of Southampton in Virginia. Additionally, the publishing of the weekly paper, Liberator, by William Lloyd Garrison advocated and led to full abolition of slavery upon creating complete awareness of freedom. The Liberator gave rise to the publishing of the Uncle Tom’s Cabin Novel by Harriet Stowe. This novel sparked a great deal of anti-slavery sentiments, which were highly influential. President Lincoln tops the list of all the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Iraq War 2003 in Western media and public opinion Essay

The Iraq War 2003 in Western media and public opinion - Essay Example Although opinion polls indicated a shift in the British public opinion about the war, the public opinion did not actually change during the entire period. Though the polls conducted by different agencies in the UK indicated an increase in the level of support for the war, it did not reflect the true opinion of the public. The public opinion only appeared to change because of the shortfalls in the polling process. In any opinion poll, there are priority issues that can alter the respondents’ answer depending on the way they are presented. If such priority issues are overshadowed by time or other events, the pollsters can ignore them in subsequent polls. For instance, in the British case, the pollsters left out the key issues because of time and other events that had occurred. Thus, if it were possible to incorporate the key events in the polls disregarding other events that had occurred, the polls could have otherwise suggested a different result. Apart from ignoring the real i ssues that initially determined people’s attitude, opinion polls possibly misidentified the respondents’ support for related issues as the support of the war. For instance, a respondent could have identified with one side of the conflict for personal reasons without necessarily supporting the war. In such situation, the polls deceptively indicated the support of the war. As a result, the outcome became unreliable. According to Baines and Worcester (2005), the public opinion changed during the war because of three major reasons.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Clinical Chemistry Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Clinical Chemistry - Lab Report Example These tests may be used to monitor the progress of kidney dysfunction, to evaluate kidney function prior to some procedures, such as a CT (computed tomography) scan, to calculate a creatinine clearance: measures how effectively the kidneys are filtering small molecules like creatinine out of the blood. Urine creatinine may also be used with a variety of other urine tests as a sort of correction factor. Serum creatinine is used to calculate the estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR), which is used as a screening test to look for evidence of kidney damage. ("Creatinine") 21. The chemical formula of cocaine is C17H21NO4 , and Crack is [C16H20NO4 ] is very similar indeed. They both contain same number of carbon atoms and oxygen but while regular cocaine has a dissociated NH+ and Cl-, Crack cocaine is an amine because it contains a nitrogen atom bonded to three carbons. 22. Cocaine Hydrochloride can be converted into crack by dissolving powder cocaine is dissolved in a mixture of water and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Baking soda with chemical formula NaHCO3 is now most often used as a base rather than ammonia for reasons of lowered stench and toxicity. The mixture is boiled to separate out the solid, and then it's cooled. The solid is then dried and cut up into small nuggets, or "rocks." (Watson, n.a). The reaction is proceeds as follows: 23.

Friday, November 15, 2019

What is e-hr? An analysis

What is e-hr? An analysis Introduction The aim of the literature review on e-HR is to find out what e-HR is, to examine benefits, strengths, weaknesses, issues, and barriers, and to analyse and focus the perceptions of importance of the information technology in HR activities. What are the importance of Internet to HR practitioners and the Internet support for human resource management. How the Internet applications provide support for HRM. How are an expanded model of the factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of e-HR systems. And also analysed the factors of e-HRM adoption. The analyses of strategy are for enhancing the effectiveness and acceptance of e-HR systems. This review is organised by different phases, mentioned about e-HR definition and use in the first phase, e-HR strengths, weaknesses, and issues in second phase, e-HR adoption in the third phase, and finally the discussion and conclusion in the fourth phase. E-HR definition e-HR stands for Electronic Human Resource. The term e-HR refers to deal Human Resource Management transactions using an internet. E-HR aims to keep information available to employees and managers at anywhere at any time. E-HR may include organizations HR portals and web applications, Enterprise Resource Planning, HR service centers and interactive voice response. There are three identified levels of e-HR such as publishing of information (delivered by intranet medium), automation of transactions with integration of workflow (intranet or extranet used) and transformation of the HR function (redirect HR function towards a strategic one). (7, PR 36,2 278) E-HR is characterized in field of HRM as having numerous innovations in Technology and it provides wider potential in term of usages including employee self service, information sharing, functions administration and production of reports. (Pass, 2002) (6, PR 37,1 66) e-HR is developments in technology to create a real-time, information-based Self-service, interactive work environment. With e-HR, managers can access relevant information and data, conduct analyses, decision making and communicate with others and employees are able to control their own personal information like update their records when it changes and make any decision on their own without consulting with any professionals help. (4, PP 365-366) e-HR will effect both efficiency and effectiveness of Human resources function in such a way that the efficiency of the human resource process can be effected by reducing cycle time for paperwork, Improvements is data accuracy and reducing manpower requirement. In similar way the effectiveness of human resource process will be effected by improving the capabilities of both employees and managers to make a better and accurate decisions. (4, PP 365-366) e-HRM as an enterprise-wide strategy that used scalable, flexible and integrated technology to link internal processes and knowledge workers directly to the business objectives of the organization. (5, PP 515) E-HR Strength Benefits of e-HR and e-HR adoption Sharing of information with one way communication from the organization to employees or managers through the companies intranet system (reduce the expensive printing cost, users can get current information, Quick notification of any changes). Automation of transactions with the combination of intranet with different application program. The paper work is totally replaced with electronic media. (4, PP 369) The adoption of E-HR brings benefits in major areas in the HR processes such as HR planning, acquiring HR (recruitment and selection), HR evaluation (performance appraisal), communication, rewarding HR (performance appraisal, compensation and benefits) and developing HR (training and development, career management). (7, PR 36,2 278) Users can access database and able to update and search in formations and make decisions accordingly through e-profile. Allows managing of recruitment and hiring process (Job advertisement, Manage applications and interview) in a systematic manner through E-recruitment. Application and approval process of leave management and its review through e-leave. On-line submission and approval process of employees claim to Finance is possible through e-claims. Web-enabled appraisal, skills development and career mapping can be performed through e-appraisal system. Managing of payroll processing will be very systematic and fast way by e-HR system. which involves the calculation and reporting of taxes, gross or net pay and deductions, arranging or allotment of money to different cost centre. Computerized Job evaluation or performance rating system is another strength of e-HR to determine the worth of each job and to decide the correct pay rate. This is based on the points system rated against the each type of job and its nature. Computerized salary surveys can conduct among the companies to gain information about the current pay levels and pay structure. The feature of salary planning application can calculate the total salary and allocate it according to the merit or seniority of the people. (2, PP 245-247) Use and reasons for E-HR adoption Based on the research in the article, few percent of organizations do not have a web page and most of the organizations already have web page to improve customer communication, product advertisement, public relations, recruitment process, cost effectiveness, services to internal customers, and staffing procedure and communication. Based on the respondents believe that the various HR functions will become more wide spread in the future and also appears that the use of e-HR, the communication will be decreased as well. (7, PR 36,2 282-290) The use of E-HR provides more gains in time management, company image, operating-cost reduction and minimizes mistakes. However some companies not using e-HR due to less usefulness, security issues, inconsistency with practices used and other practical problems. (7, PR 36,2 282) E-HR and the role of HRM Based on the study and HR experts, the role of the HR function can be changed by e-HR adoption. The adoption of e-HR practices has a great impact on strategic goals of the organization image, alignment and cost reduction. Only few percentage of HR managers have doubtful in the relation to e-HR as no replacement for face to face communication and personal contact. Higher percentage believe that the HRM role will be upgraded with e-HR in term of strategic improvement in speed, quality and achievements of services. (7, PR 36,2 290-291) Importance of the internet to HR Practitioners In the technology points of view the HRM can be characterized as human resource information system (HRIS), electronic human resources (E-HR) and virtual human resources (VHR). HRIS gather and maintain HR data, E-HR provides employee self-service, sharing information, reports and administrative functions. VHR creates network-based structure built with partnerships through IT. Internet allows organizations to automate HR processes like various current existing HR-functions, services or applications can be transformed into web-based function. (6, PR 37,1 67) Internet support for human resource management The growing number of internet users the HR professionals can be benefited as the internet provides reductions of communication cost, information management facilities, wide range of communication through emails, information accessing from web sites searching. The intranet also helps to support HRM functions and enables activities like information search, communication and database access, and establishes company information system. (6, PR 37,1 66-67) Internet applications providing support for HRM The internet revolution helps to shift HR activities to specialized online service providers. Frequently cited useful Internet support HR applications are recruitment and selection, training and development, payroll, benefits and compensation management/administration, Performance appraisal, HR planning, internal and external communication, self-service including web-portal, and knowledge management. (6, PR 37,1 68-71) Hypotheses development In the perceptions of the relative importance for adopting the internet for HRM, hypotheses test shows that the differences between the observations of importance of the internet to human resource practitioners is not associated either with the size of organization or with the internet connectivity. (6, PR 37,1 72) E-HR Weakness An expanded model of the factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of electronic HR systems Technology is highly profound in the human resource management, almost most of the large organization use electronic human resource (eHR) systems to attract job seekers and provide training, manage employee performance, and admin benefits and compensation systems. The organizations values, goals and resources induce the development of organizational systems and processes to facilitate achievement. Most of the organizations implement systems and processes for convincing talented job applicant, encouraging employee to achieve organizational goals and sustaining employee with his role. This affects the organizations ability in the achievement. Similarly, individuals values, goals and skills involves the determination of intentions and behaviors. Based on the above, the combination of e-HR systems and individual factors affect the system acceptance. Organizations use e-HR systems to convey HR details, and induce individuals attitudes and behaviors. This shows that e-HR systems vary the nature of the communication media and message characteristics. the communication easies the relations between message factors, media characteristics, and system acceptance and effectiveness. (8, PP 136) Factors of e-HRM adoption E-HRM is as the application of IT to both network and support environment to perform HR tasks. The concept of e-HRM is like Virtual HRM and web-based HRM. The adoption of e-HRM takes in individual level and organizational level. The organizational level comprises of several phases such as initiation, and implementation phases of adoption. The general and contextual factors are derived and tested using a large-scale survey. (10,JMP 24,6 483) General factor In the influence of adoption, the general factor is identified as size, industry, demography, work organization, structure of employment and HRM configuration of organization. (10,JMP 24,6 486) In larger organizations the HR tasks in large quantities that can be justifiable for large investments in IT to clear out huge amount transactions using number of applications per week to save administration costs. But small organizations with few applications have difficult to justify for such a huge investment in IT. â€Å"The size of an organization reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM since the larger organization will more frequently adopt e-HRM.† (10,JMP 24,6 486) Industries like bank have larger stationary and clerical work can easily adopt. Industries like building construction have non-stationary and non-clerical tasks cannot adopt e-HRM. â€Å"The industry of an organization reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM since industries with mainly clerical and stationary tasks will more frequently adopt e-HRM.† (10, JMP 24,6 486-487) Based on research, the acceptance of employees to adopt e-HRM is crucial as individual qualification and motivation vary with different demographical attributes. Age is considered in individual adoption. Many organizations may not consider older age than younger age. In gender, female has less IT experience so many female may not be considered in the adoption. â€Å"The demography of an organization reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM since organizations with a high percentage of young, male, and educated employees will more frequently adopt e-HRM.† The increasing of telecommunication organization that helps HR and employees and personal interaction is effectively and time consuming. Since the telecommunication employees have basic technical qualifications and existence of basic technical equipment, e-HRM can be easily implemented. â€Å"The work organization of an organization reveals an effective on the adoption of e-HRM since organizations with a high percentage of telecommuting employees will more frequently adopt e-HRM. (10, JMP 24,6 486-488) The relation of permanent and temporary employees should bring relevant influences. The temporary employees allow non-critical HR activities, compensation should provide to agency and non-investment on training for temporary users. â€Å" The employment structure of an organization reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM since organizations with a high percentage of temporary employees will more frequently adopt e-HRM. (10, JMP 24,6 486-488) The configuration of HRM of an organization approaches the institutionalization of HRM(formal HR department), comprehensiveness of HRM (extent of performed HR functions) and strategic orientation of HRM (Automation HR). The automation brings more beneficial to the HR department and gains from administrative burdens. HR department should handle like quantitative and qualitative challenges of e-HRM. The extent of performed HR functions may influence the adoption. â€Å" the configuration of HRM within an organization reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM, since organizations with an institutionalized, comprehensive, and strategic HRM will more frequently adopt e-HRM. (10, JMP 24,6 486-488) Contextual factors The identification of contextual factors can be classified as the institutional openness of contextual influences on e-HRM and the uniformity of contextual influences on e-HRM. The institutional openness refers the fact of open concerning the employed HR methods, the covered HR functions, and the included HR actors. The uniformity of influences exemplify from National political, legal, and educational system. The institutional openness contextual factors can be identified at present. The uniform influences focus towards the adoption of e-HRM. The political, legal, and educational influences be given for IT exploitation and provide nation-wide net infrastructures, basic IT education etc. â€Å"The national business system reveals an effect on the adoption of e-HRM, since organizations located in economically developed nations will more frequently adopt e-HRM.† (10, JMP 24,6 489-490) E-HR Issues Some of the items which are very critical to be consider while implementing e-HR in any organization are given below. (3, PP 54-55) The structure of Human resource process or master planning in a company should be properly formulated. If it is not done properly, HR systems become a difficult task or frustrating for users. Ensure the availability of enough resources like computer and centralized system for each and every employees to utilize the e-HR system on regular basis. Otherwise people need to use their personal computers at workplaces and it can demoralize the users. Training of employees are an important criteria in making successful e-HR system especially when some users may be far less skilled with computer than others. The use of e-HR system had a direct impact on the bottom line and made it more competitive. So organization can get the opportunity of reducing manpower in HR. It can leads to unhappiness over the staff. HR professionals must have a good working relation ship with their companies IT professional otherwise there will be a chances of conflict between them during implementation or integration of application. Employees with little knowledge in computer may resist a move towards computer based e-HR system. So the organization may need to take special care in encouraging the users with an offer of incentives for using these programs. Security of e-HR system is another issue to be consider and make the system as non threatening as possible and keep confidence. Effective communication among employees is a necessary part of the process . Communicate and educate them about the importance of the system. The Identification of Investment required for software and hardware is one of the main issue and also the return of investment or payback period will be unpredictable and based on the estimation it will take one to three year. Strategic of e-HR There are two strategic perspectives way the HR can become more strategic .Both these can provide useful frameworks for connecting HR system to the business strategy. The first one takes an economic perspective of the organization to achieve more competitive advantage in an external market environment. The second one is based on the Resources based view and it focuses on the strategic resources and capabilities within the organization In companies perspective, more attention is always given to applying an economic perspective towards the externally focused business strategy than the resource based view. So the primary role is cost reduction and it can be achieved by eliminating all HR transactional functions though e-HR system. (5, PP 516) The primary role of HR managers spend their most of time in administrative expert role, strategic partner role and capability builder (5, PP 517) The HR functional activities like tracking of job requisitions, processing and managing payroll of employees, benefits programs etc are under the role of administrative export role. The strategic business partner role consists of planning of business, workforce and succession, business management and compensation design to support the business strategies of the company. Building organization capabilities and human capital are primary deliverable in which most of the time spending in the development of human capital and organizational capability. Automating and streamlining of administrative transactions by implementing e-HRM system make the HR function more strategic because those in the HR role can now spend more time on strategic activities in a way of reduce the cost involvement, Lead time , Increase the efficiency of HR services and communication, improve the productivity and finally able to operate at lower cost. (5, PP 518-519) Previously the cost factor was the strongest focus of e-HRM practice, but nowadays the focus is not only towards cost but also more towards the integrative consequences of deploying e-HRM in a Company. The cost reduction and transformation of all process of an HR department into a strategic unit because of the introduction of e-HRM. (1, PP 508) Strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and acceptance of eHR systems The strategies can be used in several ways for enhancing the effectiveness and acceptance of her systems. For example, organizations may allow applicants to apply for their job through web, but use web based systems to give applicants to verify the requirements. The same way, the organizations may use e-HR systems to gather performance data and enter performance reviews, but managers may have face-to-face meeting with applicant to give rating. The control perception be increased by electronic selection systems (e.g., touch screen system, kiosks) that can also used by traditional users as well. These kind of systems may allow individuals who are not very efficient with computers access. The data subjects (eg. Incumbents) have the ability to rectify invalid data in e-HR systems. This strategies decrease the extent to e-HR systems privacy. The organization should minimize the monitoring systems that could limit individuals freedom and control in organizations. The organization may enhance both productivity and employee well being and merit the way employees performed tasks. This will decrease employees stress levels. The organizations would expand definitions of performance to include incumbents which are measurable in positively. The broader definition of performance consists quantity of work performed as well as increases the welfare of the individual, group and organization. The study proves that the e-HR systems are being used increasingly by organizations. (9,PP 14, 7) Conclusion The research reviews the critical analysis of strengths, weakness and issues of electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) and also conducts a brief analysis of whether the e-HR can contribute towards HR to become more strategic. Based on this, some of the major implication for current issues, benefits and future improvement required in e-HR as well as in HR could be derived. e-HR may improve the employee productivity, employee morale, decision making, information sharing, enhance innovation and speed up the product launching to market. However, the cost involved in an implementation of e-HR is too high especially for the software, hardware, training etc. It will be a big investment for an organization and the return on investment will not be immediate and it is unpredictable. Finally, the e-HR is good for an employer perspective but not good for an employee as it can end up in a less work force environment. How have assembly lines helped develop economy? How have assembly lines helped develop economy? How assembly line had helped the development economy of a country and a company? Model T sold for about $800 in 1908. But the assembly line lowered Fords cost so much that he could decrease the Model Ts price to as low as $290 in 1915. A car can be made in ninety minute by using assembly line technique. The production increased from 475 cars in a nine-hour day to over 1200 cars in an eight-hour day. That year he sold up to one million cars. This is the first time that ordinary Americans is able to afford get a car. Ford had found many ways to cut cost and offer cheaper price product. He instructed his supplier the way to assemble the wood crates that were used to ship the automobile parts to him. The crates were then dismantled and used within the car. The scrapes that left over were made into charcoal and sold under the name of Kingsford. With the aid of assembly line, the cost of labor has also depreciated. This is because with the not as many labor were required as it is before th e existence of the assembly line. Furthermore, the due to the faded term of unskilled and skilled workers, there is no longer wage discrimination needed to be done by the employer upon the workers. During the 1920s, automobile had allowed more people to leave the inner city and live somewhere else without changing their jobs. More people purchased houses in new residential area as more roads were constructed to link the metropolitan centers. After one decade, these suburbs had grown and making cars to become a necessity goods than luxury goods. The other factor that has made cars no longer classified as a luxury good is due to the reduction in cost of production. The fall of cost of production has made the prices of cars to decrease as well and enabled many people to have the purchasing power. With the convenience of the car and road, people would have no trouble getting to their respective destination and this had allowed them to live at places of their choice. There will be an increase in demand of automobile during that decade due to automobile as a necessity for most people to travel to work that period of time. In 1930 almost one out of three United States citizens had a c ar in their house. The better and improved quality of road is built across America. Many states started to tax motor fuel to help build and maintain the highways. New repair shops, roadside restaurants and motels were pioneered. The assembly line that was implemented has caused not only the automobile industry to grow but tire industry also experience prosperity. In this increasing demand for car had trickled down many other industries. One of the industries that flourish is oil industry. As the number of cars on the road has rise, the demand of oil also will increase thoroughly. High demand of oil and low supply of oil will cause the oil price to rise. In order restore the economy; setting up new wells in Texas and the Southwest is necessary to increase the supply of the oil. An increase of supply of oil will enable the price to drop back to normal price, so that the economic in the oil production line can be restored. In 1918, oil price increased by 20 percent. After new well is discovered and dug, the oil price falls by 10 percent in 1922. The oil price continues to drop from year 1930 to year 1934 up to 10 percent. Many new gas service stations were established on the highways. At the outbreak of World War Two, many automobiles manufacturers shut down their assembly lines to build weapons or machines that vital to win the war. After World War Two happened, oil price struck up by 20 percent for several years due to the priority of oil consumption was for the machines or automobile on war. So, supply of oil in the market will decrease and increase in oil price level will occurs. This lead to the depression that occurs in Invention of cars and assembly line had lead to economic growth. With this new technological method, Fords companys profits increase from $30 million dollar in 1914 to $60 million dollar in 1916. Fords company profits had doubled from that period of time. The economy experienced growth of 7 to 10 percent for the first six years of 1920s. The United States total income rose from $74.3 billion dollar in 1923 to $89 billion in 1929. Ford, General Motors and Chrysler, known as The Big Three, had reached their peaks in the 1950s, when they are together; they controlled more than 90 percent of the United States market. In 1978 Ford profit for the year was $2.2billion dollar. By late 1990s the automotive industry had added $100 billion dollar in the gross domestic product to the United States economy. This can prove that the success of the idea of assembly line that created by Henry Ford. Besides that, assembly line work is extremely tedious. It leads workers to turnover and finds a new job. To reduce the amount of constant turnover of employees, Ford used a theory called efficiency wages. Efficiency wages are wages, which paid by firms that are higher than the market in that time. Efficiency wages can motive workers to work at their best effort, better paid workers eat a better diet and thus are more productive, higher paid worker is less likely to look for another job and attract a better pool of workers to apply for jobs. Ford had increased the wages of its workers to five dollar a day. The automotive industry has developed a rising standard of living for its workers by paying wages that ranked at the top of the whole industrial sector. About forty seven percent of Ford workers owned their own cars. From then, the working hours for every worker decrease from nine hours to eight hours every day. Decrease in working hours can make worker happier as they have more tim e to spend time with their family. It also helps the company to increase the productivity of individual as the worker is happy to work for the company. Technological advancements in the late 1970s and early 1980s brought a new outlook to the automobile industry. New technology is bought into that period of year. The development of the robot for manufacturing had a remarkable change in the automobile industry. With Henry Fords idea, assembly line and these wonderful machines have boosted the production even more. The robots could assemble cars and car parts at a much greater rate of precision and at a much faster speed than the average human. The duration of work for a robot compare to an average human is much longer. Robots also can work 24 hours a day and seven days a week. With the usage of robots in the assembly line, employer will not have to face trouble such as worker turnover or strikes by them. The use of robotics provided the perfect solution for large automobile producers. Robots can switch from one task to another task without any downtime. Robots have increased the supplies of car in the market since then. Since robots c ouldnt operate without the help of human. So, it requires some highly skilled technicians to monitor the process. New demand of higher paying jobs and higher skill level jobs in the automobile industry is created and filled up. These incentives led companies altering the standard method of production, which established in the Ford and Volkswagen plants. Robots has also brought along some of the negative effects that will influence the economy. Although there are new jobs created during this switch, but the downturn in demand of production. This will be the best opportunity and excuses for company to fire the entire unskilled worker, instead of retrain the workers because it cost more to retrain the workers than hire a new batch of workers. It left many unskilled workers in the manufacturing plants unemployed. This incidence leads the unemployment in the United States to rise. When most workers lose their jobs might have influenced their decision when purchasing a new car, as they dont have stable income to buy new cars. This could indirectly hurt the automobile industry because they could lose a very big market of potential buyers since robot are not human which needs car to travel around.